Thursday, October 25, 2018

Argala stotram

Argala Stotram - In sanskrit with meaning

- from Devi Mahatmayam (recited before the core text)

अर्गलास्तोत्रम् - जयन्ती मङ्गला काली

Argala Stotram - Jayanti Mangala Kali

Devi Durga 

जय त्वं देवि चामुण्डे जय भूतापहारिणि ।
जय सर्वगते देवि कालरात्रि नमोऽस्तु ते ॥१॥
Jaya Tvam Devi Caamunndde Jaya Bhuu-Taapa-Haarinni |
Jaya Sarva-Gate Devi Kaalaraatri Namostu Te ||1||

1.1: Victory to You, O Devi Chamunda, Victory to You Who are the Remover of Worldly Afflictions and Sorrows,
1.2: Victory to You O Devi, Who are Present in AllBeings; Salutations to You, O Devi Kalaratri (a form of Devi Durga, literally means the Dark Night).

जयन्ती मङ्गला काली भद्रकालीकपालिनी ।
दुर्गा शिवा क्षमा धात्री स्वाहा स्वधानमोऽस्तु ते ॥२॥
Jayantii Manggalaa Kaalii Bhadrakaalii Kapaalinii |
Durgaa Shivaa Kssamaa Dhaatrii Svaahaa Svadhaa Namostu Te ||2||

2.1: Salutations to Jayanti (Who is Ever-Victorious), Mangala (Who is the bestower of Auspiciousness), Kali (Who is beyond Kala or Time), Bhadrakali (Who is the controller of Life and Death, being beyond Kala or Time), Kapalini (Who wear a Garland of Skulls),
2.2: Salutations to Durga (Who is Durgati-Nashini), Shiva (Who is Ever-Auspicious and One with Shiva as His Consort), Kshama (Who is an embodiment of Forbearance), Dhatri (Who is the Supporter of all Beings), Swaha (Who is the final receiver of the Sacrificial Oblations to Gods) and Swadha (Who is the final receiver of the Sacrificial Oblations to Manes); Salutations to You.

मधुकैटभविध्वंसि विधातृवरदे नमः ।
रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि ॥३॥
Madhu-Kaittabha-Vidhvamsi Vidhaatr-Varade Namah |
Ruupam Dehi Jayam Dehi Yasho Dehi Dvisso Jahi ||3||

3.1: Salutations to Devi Durga Who Destroyed the Demons Madhu and Kaitabha, thus Granting the Boonof Protection to Sri Brahma.
3.2: O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.

महिषासुरनिर्नाशि भक्तानां सुखदे नमः ।
रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि ॥४॥
Mahissaasura-Nirnaashi Bhaktaanaam Sukhade Namah |
Ruupam Dehi Jayam Dehi Yasho Dehi Dvisso Jahi ||4||

4.1: Salutations to Devi Durga Who Destroyed (to the very root) the Demon Mahishasura; Salutations to Her Who Gives Great Joy to the Devotees.
4.2: O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.

धूम्रनेत्रवधे देवि धर्मकामार्थदायिनि ।
रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि ॥५॥
Dhuumranetra-Vadhe Devi Dharma-Kaama-Artha-Daayini |
Ruupam Dehi Jayam Dehi Yasho Dehi Dvisso Jahi ||5||

5.1: Salutations to Devi Durga Who Slayed the Demon Dhumranetra (Dhumralochana); Salutations to Her Who is the Giver of Dharma (path of Righteousness), Kama (Fulfilment of Desires) and Artha (Prosperity) to Her Devotees.
5.2: O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.

रक्तबीजवधे देवि चण्डमुण्डविनाशिनि ।
रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि ॥६॥
Raktabiija-Vadhe Devi Canndda-Munndda-Vinaashini |
Ruupam Dehi Jayam Dehi Yasho Dehi Dvisso Jahi ||6||

6.1: Salutations to Devi Durga Who Slayed the Demon Raktabija and Destroyed the Demons Chanda and Munda.
6.2: O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.

निशुम्भशुम्भनिर्नाशि त्रैलोक्यशुभदे नमः।
रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि ॥७॥
Nishumbha-Shumbha-Nirnaashi Trailokya-Shubhade Namah |
Ruupam Dehi Jayam Dehi Yasho Dehi Dvisso Jahi ||7||

7.1: Salutations to Devi Durga Who Destroyed (to the very root) the Demons Nishumbha and Shumbha; Salutations to Her Who Bestows Auspiciousness in the Three Worlds.
7.2: O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.

वन्दिताङ्घ्रियुगे देवि सर्वसौभाग्यदायिनि।
रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि ॥८॥
Vandita-Angghri-Yuge Devi Sarva-Saubhaagya-Daayini |
Ruupam Dehi Jayam Dehi Yasho Dehi Dvisso Jahi ||8||

8.1: Salutations to Devi Durga Whose Pair of Feet is Praised by All, and Who is the Bestower of All Welfareand Good Fortune.
8.2: O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.

अचिन्त्यरूपचरिते सर्वशत्रुविनाशिनि ।
रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि ॥९॥
Acintya-Ruupa-Carite Sarva-Shatru-Vinaashini |
Ruupam Dehi Jayam Dehi Yasho Dehi Dvisso Jahi ||9||

9.1: Salutations to Devi Durga Whose Form and Actsare Beyond Comprehension, and Who is the Destroyerof All Enemies.
9.2: O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.

नतेभ्यः सर्वदा भक्त्या चापर्णे दुरितापहे ।
रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि ॥१०॥
Natebhyah Sarvadaa Bhaktyaa Ca-Aparnne Durita-Apahe |
Ruupam Dehi Jayam Dehi Yasho Dehi Dvisso Jahi ||10||

10.1: Salutations to Devi Aparna (another name of Devi Durga) to Whom the Devotees Always Bow with Devotion and who Keeps Away the Devotees from Sins,
10.2: O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.

स्तुवद्भयो भक्तिपूर्वं त्वां चण्डिकेव्याधिनाशिनि ।
रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि ॥११॥
Stuvadbhayo Bhakti-Puurvam Tvaam Cannddike Vyaadhi-Naashini |
Ruupam Dehi Jayam Dehi Yasho Dehi Dvisso Jahi ||11||

11.1: O Devi Chandika, those who Praise You with full Devotion, You Destroy their Diseases and Ailments.
11.2: O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.

चण्डिके सततं युद्धे जयन्ति पापनाशिनि।
रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि ॥१२॥
Cannddike Satatam Yuddhe Jayanti Paapa-Naashini |
Ruupam Dehi Jayam Dehi Yasho Dehi Dvisso Jahi ||12||

12.1: Salutations to Devi Chandika, Who is Always Victorious in the Battles, and Who is the Destroyer of all Sins.
12.2: O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.

देहि सौभाग्यमारोग्यं देहि देवि परं सुखम्।
रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि ॥१३॥
Dehi Saubhaagyam-Aarogyam Dehi Devi Param Sukham |
Ruupam Dehi Jayam Dehi Yasho Dehi Dvisso Jahi ||13||

13.1: O Devi, Please Bestow on me Welfare and Prosperity, along with Health and freedom from Diseases; O Devi, Please Give me the Highest Joy,
13.2: O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.

विधेहि देवि कल्याणं विधेहि विपुलांश्रियम् ।
रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि ॥१४॥
Vidhehi Devi Kalyaannam Vidhehi Vipulaam Shriyam |
Ruupam Dehi Jayam Dehi Yasho Dehi Dvisso Jahi ||14||

14.1: O Devi, Please Bestow on me Good Fortune; O Devi, Please Give me Abundant Prosperity,
14.2: O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.

विधेहि द्विषतां नाशं विधेहि बलमुच्चकैः ।
रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि ॥१५॥
Vidhehi Dvissataam Naasham Vidhehi Balam-Uccakaih |
Ruupam Dehi Jayam Dehi Yasho Dehi Dvisso Jahi ||15||

15.1: O Devi, Please Destroy my Enemies; O Devi, Please Give me Great Strength,
15.2: O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.

सुरासुरशिरोरत्ननिघृष्टचरणेऽम्बिके ।
रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि ॥१६॥
Sura-Asura-Shiro-Ratna-Nighrsstta-Caranne-[A]mbike |
Ruupam Dehi Jayam Dehi Yasho Dehi Dvisso Jahi ||16||

16.1: Salutations to Devi Ambika, To Whose Feet the Devas Rub (i.e. Touch) their Heads adorned with Jewels out of Devotion, and To Whose Feet the Headsof the mighty Asuras adorned with Jewels get Subdued.
16.2: O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.

विद्यावन्तं यशस्वन्तं लक्ष्मीवन्तञ्च मांकुरु ।
रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि ॥१७॥
Vidyaavantam Yashasvantam Maam Kuru |
Ruupam Dehi Jayam Dehi Yasho Dehi Dvisso Jahi ||17||

17.1: O Devi, Please Make me Full with Knowledge, Please Make me Full with Glory and Please Make meFull with the attributes of Lakshmi (Beauty and Prosperity).
17.2: O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.

देवि प्रचण्डदोर्दण्डदैत्यदर्पनिषूदिनि ।
रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि ॥१८॥
Devi Pracanndda-Dordanndda-Daitya-Darpa-Nissuudini |
Ruupam Dehi Jayam Dehi Yasho Dehi Dvisso Jahi ||18||

18.1: Salutations to Devi Durga, Who Destroys the Mighty Pride of the Excessively Violent and Powerful Demons.
18.2: O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.

प्रचण्डदैत्यदर्पघ्ने चण्डिके प्रणताय मे ।
रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि ॥१९॥
Pracanndda-Daitya-Darpa-Ghne Cannddike Prannataaya Me |
Ruupam Dehi Jayam Dehi Yasho Dehi Dvisso Jahi ||19||

19.1: My Salutations to Devi Chandika, Who is the Destroyer of the Terrible Demons with Mighty Pride,
19.2: O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.

चतुर्भुजे चतुर्वक्त्रसंस्तुते परमेश्वरि ।
रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि ॥२०॥
Caturbhuje Catur-Vaktra-Samstute Param-[Ii]eshvari |
Ruupam Dehi Jayam Dehi Yasho Dehi Dvisso Jahi ||20||

20.1: Salutations to the Supreme Goddess Durga, Who is Praised by Lord Brahma with all His Four Faces and all His Four Hands.
20.2: O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.

कृष्णेन संस्तुते देवि शश्वद्भक्त्यासदाम्बिके ।
रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि ॥२१॥
Krssnnena Samstute Devi Shashvad-Bhaktyaa Sada-Ambike |
Ruupam Dehi Jayam Dehi Yasho Dehi Dvisso Jahi ||21||

21.1: Salutations to the Supreme Devi Ambika, Who is Always Praised by Lord Krishna with a ContinuousFlow of Devotion.
21.2: O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.

हिमाचलसुतानाथसंस्तुते परमेश्वरि ।
रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि ॥२२॥
Himaacala-Sutaa-Naatha-Samstute Param-[Ii]eshvari |
Ruupam Dehi Jayam Dehi Yasho Dehi Dvisso Jahi ||22||

22.1: Salutations to the Supreme Goddess Durga, Who is Praised by the Lord of the Daughter of the Himachal Mountain (i.e. by Lord Shiva).
22.2: O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.

इन्द्राणीपतिसद्भावपूजिते परमेश्वरि ।
रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि ॥२३॥
Indraannii-Pati-Sadbhaava-Puujite Param-[Ii]eshvari |
Ruupam Dehi Jayam Dehi Yasho Dehi Dvisso Jahi ||23||

23.1: Salutations to the Supreme Goddess Durga, Who is Worshipped with True Devotion by the Consort of Indrani (i.e. by Indra Deva).
23.2: O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.

देवि भक्तजनोद्दामदत्तानन्दोदयेऽम्बिके ।
रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि ॥२४॥
Devi Bhakta-Jano[a-U]ddaama-Datta-[A]anando-[U]daye-[A]mbike |
Ruupam Dehi Jayam Dehi Yasho Dehi Dvisso Jahi ||24||

24.1: Salutations to Devi Ambika, Who Gives Rise to an Upsurge of Unbounded Joy in the Hearts of the Devotees.
24.2: O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.

भार्या मनोरमां देहि मनोवृत्तानुसारिणीम् ।
रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि ॥२५॥
Bhaaryaa Manoramaam Dehi Mano-Vrtta-Anusaarinniim |
Ruupam Dehi Jayam Dehi Yasho Dehi Dvisso Jahi ||25||

25.1: O Devi, Please Grant me a Beautiful Wife matching my Mental Disposition,
25.2: O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.

तारिणि दुर्गसंसारसागरस्याचलोद्भवे ।
रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि ॥२६॥
Taarinni Durga-Samsaara-Saagarasya-Acalo[a-U]dbhave |
Ruupam Dehi Jayam Dehi Yasho Dehi Dvisso Jahi ||26||

26.1: Salutations to Devi Durga, Who took Birth from Mountain (i.e. daughter of mountain king) and Who Enables us to Cross the Difficult Ocean of the Samsara(Worldly Existence).
26.2: O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.

इदं स्तोत्रं पठित्वा तु महास्तोत्र पठेन्नरः ।
सप्तशतीं समाराध्य वरमाप्नोति दुर्लभम् ॥२७॥
Idam Stotram Patthitvaa Tu Mahaastotra Patthen-Narah |
Saptashatiim Sama-[A]araadhya Varam-Aapnoti Durlabham ||27||

27.1: Having Read this Stotra (i.e. the Argala Stotra), one should then Read the Great Stotra (i.e. the core Durga Saptashati),
27.2: This Stotra (i.e. Argala Stotra) is Equally Reveredlike the Saptashati; By Reading this with Devotion, one Obtains difficult to obtain Boons.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Top 10 Professional Courses after 12th Standard
Taken from Sure Jobs site

Indian students consider Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC)/12th as turning point of their lives. Post HSC, students are confronted with multiple choices. Indian colleges and universities offer wide range of courses.
Higher studies after 12th standards come in two categories: Bachelor/ Diploma degree profession linked courses.

Degree/ Diploma courses

These include Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Science. Archaic Indian education system permits students to opt for these studies provided they have passed HSC exams in corresponding subjects.
For example, students who take science subjects for HSC usually enroll of BSc while those with commerce studies go for B.Com and arts for BA.

Flawed, inexplicable, opaque migration pattern

Arts students cannot migrate to science or commerce because they are considered relatively tougher subjects, for reasons best known to concerned authorities. Strangely, science and commerce stream HSC students can migrate to arts for their graduation studies- another fundamental problem in the Indian education system.

Job market compatibility

Regardless, BA, B.Com and BSc students face some disadvantage in domestic job market unless they opt for further, employment specific qualifications. These can range from ubiquitous Master of Business Administration to Chartered Accountancy, Microbiology to Social Science.
None of these qualifications assure a job; they only negate an inherent disadvantage over counterparts who study profession linked courses.

Advantage professional courses after 12th

Thanks to reforms in India’s education system, higher study courses that prepare students directly for specific professions are available.
Profession linked course, wrongly termed ‘Professional Course’ in India, provide one distinct advantage over undergraduate courses.
They assure basic employment in that specific sector. Employers seek final year students for work, before or immediately after completing the course.

Practicality over perfidiousness

Indubitably, a profession linked course is better than regular graduation. Some profession centric courses are perfidious: They deceive students into falsely imagining successful career.
Topmost among profession oriented courses that do not pay well are medicine and engineering. Indian Medical Council estimates over 200,000 qualified physicians countrywide are languishing sans employment.
Medical colleges in India churn out some 50,000 doctors annually. All India Council for Technical Education reports, 60 percent of the one million engineers who graduate every year, go unemployed.

Fatal career decisions

Suicide rate among unemployed doctors and engineers is alarming. India has the highest rate of suicides among people aged between 15 and 29 years, with career and unemployment related deaths ranking fairly high. Lack of proper career guidance and career counseling is quoted as reason.
Pressure from parents to study or follow a particular profession is cited as main cause for suicides among students. According to National Crime Records Bureau, a total of 135,445 Indian committed suicide in 2016, including 79,773 men and 40,715 women.
A shocking 40 out of every 100,000 Indians between 15 and 29 commits suicide due to career/ employment issues.

Disclaimer and Important Note

SureJob does not endorse or oppose any profession, career, course or educational institute. Higher education and career are strictly the choice of students and their parents.
This article is solely intended to serve as guidelines for work oriented courses. This website and its owners are not liable for damages of any nature arising due to decisions based on this article.

Top 10 Professional Courses After 12th

1) Engineering
By far, engineering remains one of the career oriented conventional professional coursein India. All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) states, about one million engineers graduate from government universities, polytechnics and private colleges every year.
Unspecified number of Indian students opt for engineering studies in the US and Australia. An engineering course in India costs anything between Rs. 300,000 to Rs. 1 million, depending upon the institute and branch you are choosing.
Top colleges for engineering are Indian Institute for Technology (IIT), College of Technology, Pune, Visveswaraya Institute of Engineering, Bengaluru and Mumbai based Sardar Patel College of Engineering, Sri Bhagubhai Mafatlal Polytechnic and Virmata Jijabai Technological Institute.
2) Law
The demand for law studies in India remains very high. Universities Grant Commission estimates, some 400,000 students graduate with law degrees every year.
The five year course called Bachelor of Arts and Legum Baccalaureus (LLB) is offered primarily at government colleges in India.
A typical BA, LLB course costs around Rs. 100,000 to Rs. 300,000 depending upon the university. Government Law Colleges across the country affiliated to state-run universities offer the course.
3) Medicine
One of the most attractive course after 12th. Over 55,000 students graduate as doctors every year. These include graduates in Allopathy, Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Unani and dentistry streams of medicine.
Common courses are Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Science (MBBS), Bachelor of Ayurveda Medicine and Science (BAMS), Bachelor of Unani Medicine and Science (BUMS), Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Science (BHMS), Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS).
In some universities, the word ‘science’ is replaced by ‘surgery’. A course in medical studies costs Rs. 300,000 to Rs. 1 million.
Top colleges in India are All India Institute of Medical Science, New Delhi, Grant Medical College, Mumbai, Goa Medical College, Bambolim, Christian Medical College, Vellore, Jamia Milia University, New Delhi, Government Medical College, Puducherry and JIPMER, Jaipur.
Courses in psychiatry are offered by National Institute of Mental Health and Neurological Sciences (NIMHANS), Bangalore and Institute of Psychiatry and Human Behaviour, Goa.
4) Architecture
An estimated 50,000 students graduate from the five-year Bachelor of Architecture (BArch) course in India every year.
But this figure is ambiguous. Various societies of architectures state, civil engineers also study architecture online or private colleges informally.
An architecture course costs between Rs. 200,000 to Rs. 500,000 depending upon the institute.
Top architecture institutes include JJ School of Architecture, Mumbai, Narsi Monjee College of Management, Mumbai and various state-run universities.
5) Journalism
The boom in advertising as well as print, electronic and digital news media, increase in film production has seen a corresponding rise in number of students opting for media and journalism studies as one of the top course after 12th.
Typical journalism courses are of three years and cost around Rs. 300,000 for a Bachelor of Communication and Journalism or Bachelor of Mass Communication degree.
Top universities in this field Osmania University, Hyderabad, Pune University, St. Xavier Institutes, various locations.
The exact number of journalism graduates remains unknown because the stream is considered part of fine arts and literature studies.
6) Chartered Accountant
The best professional course for higher education is Chartered Accountancy. The three to five year course, depending upon the amount of time taken to complete it, allows flexibility to work and study.
Indeed, it is mandatory to work while studying. CA course and exam is administered by ICAI (Institute of Chartered Accountants of India) and no other college or university is authorized to qualify a person as a CA.
The course costs around Rs. 50,000 only, which is the cheapest for all profession related studies. An estimated 100,000 students enroll for the CA exams but only three percent actually complete this highly complex and competitive course.
7) Internet, web designing, IT
India ranks as the top destination for foreign companies looking to hire IT experts. Over 100,000 students enroll for various IT or web design courses in India.
But this figure is far from accurate since a large number of engineering students also take IT related studies as part of their course.
Bachelor of Computer Science, Bachelor of Computer Management are some of the top IT related courses offered by various colleges and universities.
A typical three-year course costs around Rs. 400,000 to Rs. 1 million, depending upon the college/ university. IIT and various state-run universities are the best for IT studies.
8) Pharmacy
About 25,000 students graduate as pharmacist from various universities in India every year. Pharmacy studies are gaining momentum due to opening of several new and private healthcare facilities across the country.
India’s Food and Drug Administration has also made it mandatory for all large medical companies, distributors and retailers to hire qualified pharmacists, as part of licensing policy.
A pharmacy course- BPharm- is spread over three years and costs about Rs. 100,000 to Rs. 200,000 each. All major state-run universities offer BPharm courses.
9) Nursing
India requires tens of thousands of nurses, paramedics and care-givers annually due to burgeoning healthcare scenarios.
BSc Nursing is an excellent course to study if you possess acumen for caring for humans of all ages and a stomach to witness blood and gore typical to accidents and surgery wards.
Around 20,000 male and female nurses graduate every year from various medical andnursing colleges in India. Topmost among them are Maharashtra Nursing College, Government College of Nursing, Kerala, Goa Nursing College, various hospitals and medicine study institutes and universities.
A BSc Nursing degree costs between Rs. 100,000 and Rs. 300,000.
10) Commercial Pilot
A huge demand for qualified commercial pilots exists in India as the country’s aviation sector witnesses a boom. Flying is also a very lucrative profession after 12th
It offers commercial pilots an opportunity to see the world. Sadly, training institutes for pilots in India are few. Most aspiring commercial pilots are forced to study abroad or join the Indian Armed Forces for training.
A flying course costs whopping Rs.2.5 million and upwards. India requires about 8,000 commercial pilots annually to keep airlines operational. Local flying schools account for less than 1,000 trained pilots.
A bulk of pilots for India’s civil aviation are provided by the Indian Air Force. The only major flying school in India is Government Aviation Training Institute.

Think out of the box

The course will define your career option after 12th and future life. Sadly in India, students are plagued by the ‘Me Too’ syndrome.
They join a flock rather than study something offbeat. Below are some excellent courses that offer great careers but are relatively unknown-
  • Forensic sciences.
  • Agriculture ( including horticulture and floriculture)
  • Marine biology
  • Geology
  • Logistics and warehousing
  • Pyrotechnics
  • Nutrition
  • Food technology
  • Micro Biology
  • Industrial safety and security

In conclusion

Several key factors are considered by students while enrolling for career oriented professional courses after 12th. In India, the sole decisive factor the tag a student or graduate gets.
Youngsters are more inclined to study for medicine, engineering or IT despite inherent shortcomings of the profession. They choose courses that offer them a tag or label that decides their social status.
Indians go for degrees based on social and matrimonial considerations rather than interest and profitability. Parents do not allow kids to digress from their own archaic beliefs. Great career options are available for all who pass HSC exams.

What are Co-curricular Activities at Schools – Importance with 25 Examples

If you are a student of parent of school going kids, you will be aware of co-curricular activities at schools. In simple words, co-curricular activities are learning programs that support the curriculum of a class.
They make learning easy and fun by using creative teaching methods.
Some co-curricular activities are also held for imparting certain life skills to students. They help a child develop physically and mentally, acquire social skills and attain some degree of independence in doing day-to-day chores.
I am listing some common co-curricular activities that are found at schools to help you better understand their importance in education.
However, the availability at your school can depend on its location and type of curriculum.
co curricular activities

Fun Activities for Kids

Fun activities for kids are held as part of the learning process. Here are some common fun activities for kids.
  • 1- Celebrating festivals at schools: It helps to foster a sense of fraternity by involving students of all faiths and followings.
  • 2- Fancy dress competition: Helps to create dignity of labor about people of various professions and trades.
  • 3- Decorating a classroom wall: Brings out creativity among students and promotes team spirit.

Summer Activities for Kids

In my days, two or three schools combined resources to hold common summer activities for students.
  • 4- Summer Camps: They are held on a school campus and include sports activities. Usually several teams of students will be formed to play sports like cricket and football, badminton and hockey. They help develop team spirit and healthy competition.
  • 5- Arts Club: As a member of arts club of my school, teachers encouraged me to draw and paint pictures on various themes. It helps develop creativity and give expression to emotions.

Craft Activities for Kids

Craft activities help students to give expressions to their creativity. Nowadays it also teaches students how to recycle things such as paper, cardboard, plastic, Styrofoam and other material.
  • 6- Craft Classes: Most schools will include a craft class on its weekly timetable. Children have to create various articles using colored paper, cardboard and other material.
  • 7- Album Making: In some countries, this is also called scrapbooking. This co-curricular activity includes making an album on one or two topics of interest to a student from the regular curriculum. For example, you can make an album of newspaper clippings and pictures about geography or history, news and current affairs.

Activities for Kids at Home

This was my favorite type of co-curricular activity since I could do it with little or no help from teachers and parents.
  • 8- Experiments: Doing simple experiments at home can include growing a plant from a common food grain, building a kaleidoscope or periscope with broken glass bits and mirrors and several other similar things.
  • 9- Home Projects: You can be asked to work alone or jointly with other students of your class who live near your home.
  • 10- Helping Neighbors: This co-curricular activity is practiced in some schools. Students will help neighbors to perform simple chores like shopping for groceries, cleaning their house or vehicle for a small fee. The amount collected goes to the school to support students from economically weaker families.

Group Activities for Kids

Every school conducts group activities for kids as part of co-curricular education. These activities are usually in the form of competitions.
  • 11- Quiz Contests: You can become part of a group in the class and participate in quiz contests. It helps develop general knowledge.
  • 12- Drawing Competitions: Drawing competitions are held as group activities for kids of all ages. Here you can give expression to your creativity.
  • 13- Crafts Contest: Using simple stuff like colored paper, cardboard and glue, you can create something useful and win a prize.
  • 14- Decorating Classroom Wall: This co-curricular activity usually involves pasting pictures, short articles and interesting material related to your subjects on the classroom wall. Every student pastes something in which they have interest and is related to the curriculum.

Art Activities for Kids

Art activities for kids are excellent since they bring out the cultural diversity and helps develop fine arts and performing arts.
  • 15- Dancing classes: Here you can learn dances from various Indian states.
  • 16- Singing solo and group: Become a part of the school’s music club and develop singing skills. You will also be called to sing on occasions like Republic Day, Independence Day, Parent’s Day and Annual Day celebrations.
  • 17- Drama & Acting club: Schools include drama and acting club or invite students to participate in plays to showcase talents during various celebrations or to create awareness among public.

Picture Activities for Kids

Picture activities should not be confused with regular drawing and painting classes conducted at schools. Instead, they are more advanced as they focus on teaching more skills to students inclined towards such arts.
  • 18- Photography club: Lots of schools have photography clubs where you can participate. You will need a basic camera and shoot pictures for display on the campus. You might also have to participate in group projects.
  • 19-Drawing and Painting Excursions: This means you and other students will be taken to a scenic place. You have to make drawings and paintings of various elements at these spots.

Science Activities for Kids

As the term explains, science activities aim at improving knowledge in various fields. These activities are very useful for higher education such as medical and engineering streams.
  • 20- Science clubs: Students and science clubs are assigned individual and group projects and experiments. Depending upon your interest, you can join a physics, chemistry or biology club.
  • 21-Math clubs: Another very important subject is mathematics. Here you will learn more skills related to the math subject in your curriculum.

More Important Co-curricular Activities for Kids

There are few more co-curricular activities for kids that are organized by most schools. Joining them will also boost your knowledge.
  • 22- Environmental studies: Here you will learn a lot about the environment, environmental threats and pollution, awareness and recycling material.
  • 23- Student’s Banking: Nowadays, most banks in India offer special accounts for school students. This is done in collaboration with schools. The objective is to encourage you to save money and learn how to manage finances.
  • 24- Sports: Though all schools have annual sports events, some also offer sports clubs. Here you can practice and perfect your skills in a favorite sport.
  • 25- Story and Essay Writing: Other than writing stories and essays as part of the main curriculum, schools also hold competitions. You can write essays and stories on own topics to compete.

Importance of Co-curricular Activities

In my humble opinion, co-curricular activities are equally important for every student. Here are some reasons why co-curricular activities are important.
  • They provide a fun way of learning to students.
  • Students find it easier to remember skills learned from co-curricular activities.
  • Parents, teachers and students can identify their innate skills through co-curricular activities and fine-tune them to make a career.
  • Co-curricular activities develop a sense of team play and camaraderie.
  • Certificates from participating in co-curricular activities are useful when seeking admission for higher education and later, in job hunts.
  • Students that participate in co-curricular activities develop higher levels of confidence.
  • During vacations, students remain gainfully engaged with co-curricular activities.
  • In a multi-ethnic country like India, co-curricular activities fosters better understanding of different cultures and creates a sense of unity.

Final Thoughts on Co curricular activities

Generally, participating in co-curricular activities organized by schools is free of cost for students. In some cases however, a student may have to bear expenses related to buying material, equipment or traveling. Schools usually subsidize the expense of extra co-curricular activities. Therefore, you can select a co-curricular activity that suits your passion and budget. Participating in them will help you lifelong.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

10 new moons for Jupiter,total 79

A team of astronomers is reporting the discovery of a dozen new moons circling the giant gas planet.That brings the number of moons at Jupiter to 79,the most of any planet.Saturn is next with 61.They were found on the fringes of the solar system.
The confirmation of 10 was announced on Tuesday;two were confirmed earlier.They're calling one moon an oddball because of its unusual orbit.They were'nt seen before because they were tiny..

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Ola goes global

Ola's founder and chief executive Bhavish Aggarwal has been talking about the company's intent to go international and give competition to rivals like Uber.Ola is entering the Australian market in its first international foray.Ola has started inviting private hire vehicle owners in Sydney,Melbourne and Perth for registering with Ola.
So Indians if you have relatives in Australia tell them about Ola!

Profiling of citizens on the basis of Aadhaar a serious issue says Supreme Court

Such type of Aadhaar use is a serious issue,says Supreme Court although it benefits common man by eliminating middlemen.It praised Aadhaar for citizen centric services and social benefits.The Supreme Court said it could not neglect advantage of scheme while deciding its constitutional validity.It,however,expressed concern of misuse of Aadhaar for profiling individuals,an issue on which Centre had to satisfy court.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Supermoon,Bluemoon and total lunar eclipse to coincide today

Supermoon,Bluemoon and total lunar eclipse will coincide today between 5:30pm to 9pm.It can be seen through binoculars or naked eye in Lucknow.
In Lucknow it will be seen at Regional Science City,Aliganj between 6pm to 8pm and at Clock tower between 5:30pm to 9pm.Such an event was last witnessed over a century ago.It will be a bigger moon which will be copper red or blood moon.
Special arrangements are being made at clock tower at Indira Gandhi Planetorium.The celestial event begins at 5:18pm.
Blue moon means Second full moon in a month.
Supermoon means moon is bigger and brighter than usual.
It is after 174 years that total lunar eclipse is coinciding with both these phenominon.
Sumit Kumar Srivastava of Indira Gandhi planetorium said in Asia,the last Blue moon and total lunar eclipse occurred on DEcember30,1982.Stargazers will have to wait till 2037 to witness it again.It is also being called Super blue blood moon.It will be for 76.4 minutes in the city.
He said it is being called Blood moon as during total lunar eclipse some of the sun's rays get refracted through earth's atmosphere and strike the moon which takes a red glow.Blue moon occurs in areas where volcanic eruptions are active.It is rare.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Top 4 Indian food blogs

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Top 4 Indian food blogs :

Vegan Richa

This blog is run by Ms Richa Hingle wo is a specialist of vegetarian tea time snacks.She likes to bake and use gluten free alternatives.

Sharmis Passions

This blog belongs to Ms Sharmilee Jayaprakash who loves to experiment with south Indian dishes.She is aspecialist in kids breakfast and lunch boxseries.

My Diverse Kitchen

It is owned by Ms Aparna.The name "My Diverse Kitchen" reflects the variety of recipes and food related posts.Her style of cooking uses extensive vegetable,lentil and alot of coconut.


This blog is maintained by Ms Kavitha Ramaswamy.She regularly posts authentic vegetarianand vegan recipes,eggless baked dishes and wonderful low fat lunch and dinner meals in this blog.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Agni 5 test fired

Agni 5 surface to surface ballistic missile was successfully test fired from balasore,Odisha,India.Previously also Agni series of missiles, Agni 1 of range 1000 km,Agni2 2000km,Agni3 3000km,Agni4 4000km and now Agni5 is of 6000km range.It is an intercontinental ballistic missile.It can carry nuclear warheads.It can hit its enemies Pakistan and China.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

BSc Ist Year Nursing,Command Hospital,Computer Periodic Exam Question Paper with Answers of 2018

1. A Word Processor is one of the type of __________software.

c)Both A & B
d)None of the above

2.To open MS Word,follow this menu hierarchy

a)Start>Office>MS Word
b)Start>All Programs>MS Office>MS Word
c)Start>DOS>MS Word
d)None of the above

3.A small arrow icon on the right hand side of a menu option indicates that it contains

b)Context menu
c)Pull down menu
d)None of the above

4.To insert a picture in MS Word,select _________ tab.


5.Which of the following functionwill use to find highest number in a series of number?


6.A function inside another function is called

a)Nested function
b)Round function
c)Sum function
d)Text function

7.Formulae in Excel start with


8.The software which contains rows and columns is called

d)Word processor

9.Which of the following function will be used to find mode in a series of numbers?

d)None of the above

10.__________ displays the name of the document opened in MS Word

c)Menu Br
d)None of the above

11. Extension of MS Excel file is

d)None of the above

12.____________ is used to set tabs,indent paragraphs & change the margins

a)Formatting Toolbar
b)Status bar
c)Menu bar

13.Extension of MS Word file is

d)None of the above


Is Vedic Maths beneficial?

Introduction of Vedic Maths in 9th and 12th classes in UP is very beneficial for students.They will learn how to do Maths quickly.If they learn this skill early they may clear competitive exams like banking,SSC,PO very quickly and easily.

Introduction to vedic maths:

vedic maths is a very fast way of doing calculations.Learning vedic maths is fun.


Suppose there is a number 95

square of 95 has to be calculated means 95x95.

we know 95x95=9025(from calculator)

Lets check it by vedic maths method:



Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Vedic Maths to be started in 12th standard in UP by 2019

Vedic Maths,a new subject, will be started and included in course in 2019.Vedic maths workshop has been started.In 26000 schools of UP Board Vedic Maths studies will be introduced.Workshop was started to design syllabus and course for this subject from classes 9 to 12.Vidya Bharti and other institution specialists other than Board have been invited.Tender for books has been passed.It will also be launched in the form of a small booklet.It will be a scoring subject I think as it is related to Maths and will increase overall percentage of students in exams. 

BA,BComm courses to go online

BA,BComm courses to become online in India.Now students can do this course from home.Centre and state have decided to do this.Prakash Javdekar(Mnav Sansaadhan Vikas Mantri) gave this information.Javdekar said only those colleges and Universities which come on top in NAK Accreditation will be allowed to give degrees,diplomas and certificates.Approx. 15 colleges and Universities fall in this category.

Poor happy by notebandi

Poor are happy by notebandi as the rich will be effected by this move.Notebandi happened when Rs500 and Rs1000 notes became a piece of paper.They were out of use.Many rich people who had these notes stuffed in pillows and blankets had to throw them in rivers because they were of no use.
Poor are happy by this move because they think that the money rich are squandering is their money.

Haj pilgrims will not get subsidy

Haj pilgrims will no longer be given any subsidy,instead the subsidy will be diverted to the welfare of minority girls.SC had ordered this 10 years back and now it is in effect.Congress did not show objection to BJP's such move as earlier when SC had ordered 10 years back.